Rants, Rates, Slags, Slates.
Manic-depressive posts from Red Wright-Hand. Because there are thousands of worthless blogs out there and who am I not to add to their number?

Total US troop deaths in Iraq to date (09/01/07) since 03/20/03: 3739
From 05/02/03 through 06/28/04: 718
From 06/29/04 through 01/30/05: 579
From 01/31/05 through 12/14/05: 715
From 12/15/05 through 01/31/07: 933
From 02/01/07: 653
(Sources: US Dept. of Defense, Iraq Coalition Casualty Count)
Myeloma (etc.) Blogs
Adventures of Cancer Girl
Bald Mike's Blog
Beth's Myeloma Blog
Dan's Cancer Weblog
Jon Siegel's Multiple Myeloma Blog
Arts & Letters Daily
Best Page in the Universe
Bush or Chimp?
Farting Dot
I Hate Music
Iraq Body Count
Large Hearted Boy
Moorish Girl
Maud Newton
The Other Red Right Blog
Henry Raddick
Sorry Everybody
South-east Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog
Jon Swift
Top 10 Conservative Idiots