Red Right Blog

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Manic-depressive posts from Red Wright-Hand. Because there are thousands of worthless blogs out there and who am I not to add to their number?

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Total US troop deaths in Iraq to date (09/01/07) since 03/20/03: 3739

From 05/02/03 through 06/28/04: 718

From 06/29/04 through 01/30/05: 579

From 01/31/05 through 12/14/05: 715

From 12/15/05 through 01/31/07: 933

From 02/01/07: 653

(Sources: US Dept. of Defense, Iraq Coalition Casualty Count)

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
THE ODDS: There remains some question as to whether Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare actually died on the same day, but apparently it was close enough for literary work. But what was the likelihood that two other elder masters, Ingmar Bergman and Michaelangelo Antonioni, of another art form (guess which one) would also die on the same day? Too terrible a reminder of a vanished era (1955-1975?) when movies were taken seriously as social commentary.

Sorry, but Grindhouse and Knocked Up just don't count. Not Little Miss Sunshine, either.

For now, a link to Jeffrey Wells' appreciation of Antonioni and especially L'Eclisse, one of the better love letters I've seen today. I had much the same reaction when I watched that film and L'Avventura last summer (neither for the first time): how genuinely ageless these movies are, how stunning to think that both were made nearly fifty years ago. The nerve it took to create movies like that then! And where is that nerve now?